Wednesday, September 17, 2003

you're only a day was cool until i got to my damn statistics class. i hate that damn class. anyway....i wasnt there last week (its a once a week class)....i knew we had an exam today....i looked over my notes....and i still did bad. i forgot my calculator....had to run alllll the way back to my dorm to get it. i did horrible on that exam. next....woo told me that she would call me around 7:45...well, it was damn near 10:00 and she hadnt called me. my friend called me and asked did i want to go to walmart and since i wasnt doing a damn thing, i said ok. she takes all damn day....then on the way home, she damn near kills me. she turns right on red and a car skidded and almost hit us. i was so fuckin heated.....if that car had waited 2 seconds more to stop....i would be in a hospital somewhere. i finally got home and called woo. her daughter picked up the phone and wouldnt give it to i know woo was sleep because if she wasnt, she would have answered the phone. i hung up. i call back around 15 minutes later...finally got to talk to woo and told her how my day was and attempted to hear about hers. so, im telling her about my day and she falls asleep. i havent talked to her all day....and when i finally get to talk to her, she falls asleep...then gets a damn attitude with me because i get upset because she is not talking to me. all i want is a conversation. after the day ive had.....i need a conversation with some substance....some encouragement....some laughter....some love. in a minute.....peace....cream out.

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