Thursday, June 5, 2003

surprise, surprise.....yo...last night was.....last night was tight. i got a foot massage until i dozed off then it started lightning. i am so fuckin shook of lightning. anywhoo, woo laid on my tummy and held me and.....things started happening. we went out to our spot and we could hear the rain so clear, like we were outside yo. it was thundering and lightning and the rain was fallin and she was holdin me....damn damn damn. it was so beautiful....for the time it lasted. we always get interrupted somehow....always. neva fails. we were talkin about gettin a room this weekend....that would be so kids, no phone, no interruptions....just me and her. today she took me to this park and it was beautiful. she has been so attentive the past 2 days.....she still has that smart ass mouth and she still is an asshole....but i see her tryin to do better. anyway, i could see me building my life here....which, right now, is what i am plannin on doin after i graduate. i have been workin at this restaurant for 2 weeks now....i am so proud of myself yo. cookin bacon, eggs, sausage, and grits every morning and servin assholes. its not my job at school....but i like it because it proves that i can do shit on my own....i can take care of myself. my determination to make it is soooo strong yo. i will not lose....i refuse. aight...gotta go tend to woo...peace....madame cream out.

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