Monday, May 16, 2005

blahbread and gravy.......O.K.....I have graduated (most high willing) and now I am at home. before I began about home, lemme touch on my graduation. my mother and my father came. well, my sister, niece, step-mother, future sister in law, and my step mother’s grand daughter was there. it was actually kinda weird seeing my mother and my father in the same place at the same time. me and this boy...Ryan Robirds (I‘ll never forget his name)....talked through the whole ceremony. hell, we were bored out of our minds. when the lady called my name, i strolled across the stage. i could hear my momma’s mouth out of everybody that screamed my name. when i walked off the stage, my father was at the end. i hugged him and he took a damn picture of me. i’m tellin you, i hate taking pictures. i was tired, had bags under my eyes, and i was hot as all hell....i wasn’t in the mood for no damn pictures. when we got on the interstate, i got a tad bit pissed because none of the people that said they were coming, came. i was pissed for a couple of minutes and then i got over it. fuck it....but dammit i wont forget. trust and believe that shit. now, im at home and it has hit me that im not leaving in august. i feel somewhat stuck. i have to hurry up and find a job because my living situation isn’t gonna be cool for after a minute. my brother and his girlfriend are some lazy mofos. they act like they have maids. well name aint Florence muddasuckas and i’m not cleaning up after anybody but myself and my niece occasionally. They don’t clean anything but their asses. SMH. Another thing, I value my space. I like being by myself. I might have to get cable tv and cable internet in my room...then id only come out to use the bathroom. I have my mini fridge plugged up with snacks and drinks in it. That's another thing. They are some greedy mofos too. IN-CON-FUGGIN-SIDERATE. <----Need I say more?? Next.... I’ve gotten lonely a couple of times. I talk to Miss Down Down everyday. I talked to my buddy Nisha yesterday. Other than that, I haven't really talked to anybody. I guess since my location changed, people did too. Oh well. People that matter know how to find me. If you are one of the privileged people that have my number and haven't used it.... as of right now, don't use it. Put that in ya blunt and smoke it. I have no time for seasonal relationships. I'm a bit too grown for that shit. Oh...since I am talking about seasonal relationships.... lets get on these damn posers. I am so damn tired of people not being themselves around me. If you aint shit, don't act like you are about big things. If you haven't read a book in the past 5 years outside of magazines, don't act like you are an intellectual. If you are broke as hell, don't act like you can afford an escalade. If you are bisexual or confused, don't front like you are a lesbian. (that right there could get you shanked) if you just wanna fuck, don't act like you want a relationship. Just be up front and honest. Like my buddy Alia said “be naked around me”. Not literally you damn pervs. Well, a couple of yall could.... I’m jokin. Anyway, I'm tired of these women sayin “cream, your mind is so cool” “I love your mind” “I love how you think“, blah blah blahbread. Ok, ya think my mind is beautiful, thanks homegirl. What I don't get is, if it’s so damn beautiful, why the fuck do you attempt to play me? Like my mind isn't equipped to detect fuckin posers and bullshittas. Bitch please. I have a very sensitive bullshit meter on my cerebellum. Don't try to play me dammit, play lotto. Your chances of winning are better. The next chic that tries to run game is gonna get touched. Aight....thats enough for now. I’m finna clean my room. in a minute.....peace and steel.....cream out.

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