Thursday, July 15, 2004

big bizness........i know i have been on some other shit...updating once a month and shit but dammit...da queen is busy. plus, dial up sucks monkey's scrotum. i hate aol with a passion...maybe because im really not patient and it kicks me off 5011 times everytime im trying to do something. fuck dial up with a rusty fork. anyway, im still jobless. it pisses me off to the nth degree because i am willing to work, willing to do what the fuck i gotta do to make some damn money and its like nobody will give me a chance. i got bills to pay bitch!!!! me, fresh (my little sis), and ty went all over looking for damn jobs. we filled out soooo much shit it was ri-gotdamn-diculous. we went through all that shit and none of us have jobs. damn shame. the temp agency called ty last night to work from 11-7. so her stankin ass will have some money next week. she wont. she gotta pay the rest of her speeding ticket so she will be broke like me. next...i bleached my hair blonde. why...because i was bored as hell. the fro is gettin big yall. i cant wait until it gets huge. next...i have been reading a lot of people's blogs recently. it seems like everybody is havin relationship issues. well....i got 99 problems but....yall know the rest. im happy right now. im getting back to me, as artiste would say. at the same time, im chillin. ive been inspired to write, giggle like im 6 years old, and to be open. by being open, i mean, i can be myself...say what i feel, do what i feel, without someone knockin me or judging me for it. from october to june, i felt like i wasnt being true to myself. i wasnt me. i didnt feel as free as i do now. the people around me have a lot to do with it. if you dont have negative energy coming at you constantly, you have a chance to produce positive energy and do positive things. ive been writing my business proposals. i have 2 business ideas. yall will be seeing them real soon. i keep telling gonna be a wealthy woman before im 25. my dreams are going to be reality.....with equal amounts of faith and effort. just watch me. art is a minute ( shorter than a month).....peace and blessings.....cream, inc. out.

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