Sunday, January 13, 2008

trainspotting part deux.....the night before last, my side felt like somebody was stabbing me. its happened before. doctor didnt know why it happened, just gave me some pain medicine and an antibiotic and sent me on my way. im a strong believer in what ever happens to you, whether its good or bad, happens for a reason. while i was laying in my bed dealing with that damn pain, i just started thinking. ive been bummed out for a while now. started way before the new year. i have been thinking about what i need to do for myself. first of all, i need to give some people that have a seat in front row of my life an eviction notice. not everybody is meant to be in the front row. especially when they arent adding anything positive to my life. i will be 27 on tuesday, most high willing. ive wasted too much time being unhappy. it has been a big lesson that i believe ive learned. things dont make you happy. people dont make you happy. sex doesnt make you happy. YOU are responsible for your own happiness. its taken me so fuggin long to grasp that concept. ive been so fuggin responsible for other people's happiness that i became irresponsible when it came to my own. so, if you arent adding something positive to my life, im officially cutting you off. i choose happiness. in a minute....peace and happiness....prolific out.

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