Saturday, July 1, 2006

freewriting part 2893092903.....its been a long time but right this very moment....i feel a sense of extreme happiness. almost feels like im dreaming. i got a lil money left over after i paid my bills. no work this weekend. someone posted 2 of joi's cds so i could download them since i was having a hard time trying to purchase them (yeah, ill buy joi's cd because i know its good). i just finished eating the best steak i had in a tender i didnt even need a knife...and to top it off, it didnt give me a headache. my life is pretty damn cool right now. sure, i could complain...but why? the good outweighs the bad so im enjoying the good and disregarding the bad. i got the urge to write, which hasnt happened in a while. i have had this big burst of emotion come over me and its producing soooo many positive things in my life. ambition has tapped me on my shoulder and words have asked me to dance. there is no way i could possibly express everything im feeling right now...but know that im aight. i had a long conversation with my best friend in the whole wide world (artiste you need to hurry up and get another blog, i miss your words) and now i have a sense of direction. i decided a long time ago that if i continued on the path i was travelling, i would die. physically eventually, mentally as soon as i let myself go. in all honesty, i let myself go...go into a place that i will never go again....stagnancy. im responsible for me and my happiness from this point until my very last second on this earth. that being said, im washing my hands of a couple of people i have allowed in my space that are just taking up space....offering nothing but negativity. i dont have time for the bullshit, i gotta lot of living to do homie. a lot of shit i gotta get done. in a minute....peace and LOVING YO SELF.....prolific out.

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