cosa nostra.....she and i just got off the phone. words spoken, taken literally, their meaning left unheard. voices were raised a few octaves...arguing as if there was not a she and i but a if her intentions were more than friendship with a couple of bedroom benefits. as if i could put a title on what she and i are or will be. in the midst of the ebbing and flowing of sharp words....tempers were inflamed and tongues were bit. blood fell from my lips leavin a bitter taste and a nice stain on this...thing...this cocktail of friendship and lust...our very own cosa nostra. i was angry when i wrote that....took me less than 10 minutes. anyway, i dont know what will happen between us because tension is gettin high...high like crackheads on weekend. i dig her a lot, maybe more than i should, but right now, im just tryin to enjoy myself and i know that she is too. she doesnt have to tell me that she sees other people or that she has been intimate with someone else because in my heart, i know. ask my exes...they'll tell you im like miss cleo when it comes to stuff like that. i know when something isnt quite right. ive sat down and thought long and hard about this situation and my conclusion is...what makes me feel good is most important right now...whether that is finding a job so i can start my career, splurging on some new sandals to show off my pedicure, or being intimate with her. whatever happens, happens. why stress it? im just making sure my feelings dont get involved. im only responsible for my feelings. next...i talked to both of the exes that i converse with today. i actually missed both of them....not in a relationship type way tho. they are the people that know me best and i love them for that. they taught me a lot. both told me that at one time, they wanted to get back with me. flattering....but its not gonna happen. getting back with either one would be counterproductive. i rode both of those horses before and got bucked not gonna be a fool and get back on either of them again. fucka that. beginning to see things in a different light. its like something just clicked in my head and said..."have fun, enjoy life" and thats what im striving to do everyday. hell, im 24 years old and i never dreamed that i would be where i am right now. ive been on this earth 24 years and there is so much i want to see and do. who knows when the most high will take me from this earth....until it happens im going to enjoy myself and live as freely as i can. next...i finally told the girl down the hall that im a lesbian. i dont know how she didnt know but uhhh....she didnt. now, she is givin me the eye and shit but she has a girlfriend. now...she could get the bizness if she didnt have a girlfriend. cream is not a homewrecker. anywhoo....thats enough. im going to watch the l word. in a minute....peace and doin me....cream out.

Shane - You're fun and exciting; but a little
distant. You never get too connected wherever
you go; but you are able to let your friends
know that they are important to you without
tying yourself down. Truth is you're afraid to
get too attached because when it comes to love
who knows what will happen; don't be so afraid.
Other than that everythings cool; you do things
your own way and encourage people to do things
their own way too.
Which L Word Character are you?brought to you by Quizilla
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