i am awake. my mind is free. so, i will not write about the love that turned into strong dislike...hate is such a strong the same time, hatred is a sign of weakness. i know at times i am weak...everyone is. the difference is, my times of weakness will be few. i have to be strong, for myself. strong because i have to survive. everybody is on a path.....i will keep on mine. nobody can help me stay on my path but me. no one of flesh and blood knows whats best for me, but me. i intend to always do whats best for me. not saying that i will ignore other people's needs....its just my needs and happiness come first. i have been through a lot in my 21 years and most high willin, when i see 22, im lettin all of the pain and negativity in my past go. im a grown ass woman now. i cant dwell in the past if i want to move forward. you cant move into a new place without giving up the old place. im sittin my bag of past on the curb. the contents of that bag include exes, associates, posessions, etc. not going to say anything more....need to gather my thoughts.
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